Walk-through of institution account
Log into your account using the admin login that was given to you by the Junior Great Books Digital Classroom Team.
You will land on the tab entitled Distribute Content. In your menu, you will also see a Users tab and Analytics tab at the top of your screen. In the top right corner, you will see an Admin button. If you hit the Admin button, this is where you can add other admin users. There is also a Profile button at the top, which will give you a drop-down menu. This menu will have video tutorials and a platform help guide for your convenience.
Under Distribute Content, you will see the details of the books you have. On the far right, you can also change the view to toggle. See below toggle view.
In the Users tab, you can manage the users in class. In this tab, you can add, search, edit, and delete your users from here. There is a Class tab as well where you can create classes and manage your class.
There is an Analytic tab that will give you reporting on activated users, content licenses, the ten most active classes, the ten most popular titles, web player usage by format, usage by geography, content coverage, and user interaction. These reports may also be downloaded for your convenience.