How do subscriptions work?

Purchasing access to Junior Great Books Digital Classroom

  1. Subscription Duration: Customers can purchase a one-year subscription to Junior Great Books Digital Classroom.  Subscriptions begin when the PO is received.

  2. Perpetual License: A perpetual license (a license that lasts indefinitely) is not currently available for this platform. This means that customers need to renew their licenses annually to maintain access.

  3. Licensing for Students and Teachers: Every student and teacher who wishes to use the platform will need an individual license. These licenses are typically valid for one year.

  4. License Revocation and Reissuing: Licenses can be revoked at the end of a subscription year. They can then be reissued to new classes, teachers, or students at the start of a subscription renewal. This suggests a degree of flexibility in managing licenses based on the changing needs of the educational institution.

This information provides clarity on how Junior Great Books Digital Classroom licenses work and how they can be managed. If you have any further questions or need more specific details, please feel free to ask